

Hispanics for School Choice serves and supports Hispanic families through informing and advocating on education opportunities that break down barriers to success.


All Hispanic families are empowered and will achieve success through education.


Mission Aligned: We are committed to our mission and will ensure the actions we undertake help improve education for all Hispanic students.

Transparent: We believe parents should have access to accurate and current information regarding schools’ performance regardless of the type of school (private, charter, or traditional public).

Choice: We believe all Hispanic families should have access to and information on quality school options in order to make an informed choice about their children’s education.

Presence/Visibility: We believe Hispanic families deserve to be seen and heard. Our outreach and advocacy will give the Hispanic community the visibility it deserves.

Diversity within the Hispanic Community: We recognize that the Hispanic community is not homogeneous, and we respect these differences.

Engagement: We believe that communities, parents and families have a responsibly to engage with each other to ensure our students have the best educational opportunities.

Partnerships: We believe in the power of partnerships. We are committed to working with effective groups or individuals whose agenda focuses on creating better outcomes for Hispanic students.
